The Free Geographic Toolbox
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Find an address on a Map
Get Coordinates
Geocoding a list of addresses
Map your Points
Converting Coordinates

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Zip Codes France
Deg min sec - decimal degrees
Guessing the projection
Get Coordinates Anywhere!
Lon,Lat,Elevation, Address ...Find, Modify, Save in just a few clicks

1) Position the map approximately where you need coordinates by entering an address or a place. Click on "Find it" or press Enter and zoom to the location where you want to get coordinates
2) Display the pointer (button 1 to the right)
3) Move the marker precisely to the desired location by clicking on it.
4) Add a point to the list. It will show in table1. (click on button 2 to the right)
Warning : Before adding a point, make sure that the address and elevation have been refreshed by clicking on
Redo all operations from 1 to 4 for every location.

Exporting results: The list of points is stored in table1. You can add comments for each line and save the list as a text file or copy/paste to a spreadsheet or any other application.
Modifying a point: Click on the corresponding line in table 1 and on the marker surrounded by red dashes. Move it to the new desired location and click on the "confirm" button. You have the possibility to cancel the modification.
Accuracy of results: Coordinates are in decimal degrees with 6 decimals on the international WGS84 ellipsoid, ie about 10 cm at mid latitudes. Elevation is in meters above sea level and directly provided by GoogleMap numerical terrain model, which resolution is not explicitly given by Google and might vary a lot. Consequently elevation data should be used with caution.
Other projections: If you need coordinates in another projection that the geographic WGS84 projection, do "copy to spreadsheet", open Geofree page "Convert coordinates" and copy/paste lon/lat values to the appropriate boxes. Choose "Geographique WGS84" as source system. Only projections for France mainland currently available.

Enter a location: address, town, country, zipcode ... :

List of Points : PtID;Lon;Lat;Elevation;Address;Comments(Table 1)
(If you forgot to refresh address and elevation: select the point in the list, click on "Modify the point", then on "Address/Elevation" and on "Confirm modification")

Current Position: Lon:   Lat:   Elev::   Adr:

Modifying a point